The Sennin Foundation Center is now offering two downloadable tracks, created by H. E. Davey Sensei.
Anjo Daza Ho Meditation Tracks
for just $9.95
This resource is only sold by us, and it features the sound of a Japanese meditation bell, timed at particular intervals, which can be used for Anjo Daza Ho meditation (as described in H. E. Davey Sensei's book Japanese Yoga). These kane, Japanese bowl-shaped bells, aren't widely available outside of Japan, and Anjo Daza Ho uses this sound to focus the mind for meditation. A special buzzer can also be used to effectively concentrate the mind, and this distinctive hum is included in our new tracks as well.
The first track is for beginners and features a longer sound, with shorter periods of silence, making it easier for novices to initially focus the mind and requiring them to maintain the meditative state for shorter periods. It lasts about 30 minutes.
The second track for advanced students uses shorter periods of sound, with longer intervals of quiet, encouraging more adept meditators to focus the mind rapidly, and sustain soundless meditative consciousness for longer periods. This track is also about 30 minutes in length.
The production of this extraordinary audio recording was personally supervised by H. E. Davey Sensei, author of Japanese Yoga, and internationally acclaimed teacher of Japanese yoga. It represents your chance to more easily practice Anjo Daza Ho, a potent meditation created by Nakamura Tempu Sensei, the renowned founder of the Shin-shin-toitsu-do system of Japanese yoga and meditation. With our Anjo Daza Ho Meditation tracks, you can experience heightened calmness, relaxation, concentration, and willpower.
You can send your payment using several methods: Venmo (U. S. residents only), PayPal (U. S. and non-U. S. residents), and Wise (Non-U.S. residents). The fees collected support our international dojo, and periodically we use them to donate money to worthy charities around the world.
It's easy to order our Anjo Daza Ho Meditation tracks. Just click HERE and tell us you're interested. We'll send you detailed payment information. Contact us today to experience the peaceful power of Anjo Daza Ho!